Children between 2 and 3 years must be made every 30 minutes of any physical routine, 60 minutes of physical activity in general and not to remain inactive longer than 1 hour (except when sleeping).
Children under 2 years are able to walk, run and jump with both feet. Children 3 years, and these skills can patera a ball, climb stairs, throw a ball and ride a tricycle.
Keep in mind these skills when you play your son propongas and time to buy toys: balls, carts, tricycles, wheels, and others that favor the motion.
Here are some exercises for children that you propose:
- Mimicking the movement of animals: penguins, frogs ...
- Sit in front of your child holding his hands, begins to swing with him and sing together: "Row, Row the boat."
- Sit on the floor and let your sons and stand on your legs, or make a bridge with your child to crawl underneath pass.
- My favorite move for his age put him and get to dance with him. Your little dance partner is the most beautiful and fun.